How do I find Sac State theses, projects and dissertations?
Since 2009, most theses/projects written by Sacramento State students can be found online in Sac State Scholars. All dissertations completed by Sac State students also available in Sac State Scholars. You can search by keyword, name, department, etc. or browse.
To search for theses and dissertations just change the "All" to "Dissertations & Theses:"
To find theses, theses projects, and dissertations in print in the Library, type your keywords (topic, authors name, department, etc.) into OneSearch. If searching simply by topic or department, add the word thesis to your search (i.e. vocational rehabilitation thesis). Then, look down the left column, click on Author/Creator to expand the category, then click "California State University, Sacramento."
Note the call number of any theses of interest (see image below) and head to the floor shown.