Does the library provide access to Harvard Business Review (HBR) case studies?
The Sac State Library does provide access to some, but not all, content from Harvard Business.
- The library does not subscribe to cases published by Harvard Business Publishing. These case studies are only available for individuals to purchase at the HBR store. If required for a course, your professor should provide you with a link to the course pack with the specific case(s) you need to purchase.
- The library does provide access to full-text of the content published in the Harvard Business Review magazine including case studies and articles. See instructions below for accessing this content via the Business Source Complete subscription database.
How to access full-text Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles
Know the title of the article you're looking for? Follow these steps:
- Type the HBR article title into the OneSearch box on the Library home page and click search.
- In the list of results, select the entry that matches the title of the article.
- Then in the full record click on the link "Business Source Complete" to get connected to the full-text of the article.
Want to browse or search for HBR articles on a topic? Follow these steps:
- Type "Harvard Business Review" in the OneSearch box on the library home page.
- In the list of results, select the journal entry "Harvard Business Review."
- On the full record, your best bet is to scroll all the way down and click on "Business Source Complete."
Once on the HBR Publication page, you can either:
- Browse by issues by clicking a year on the right side, then clicking again to select an issue to browse. Or
- Clicking the "Search within this publication" link just above the Publication Details and use keywords, author names, or article titles to search within HBR.
Important information regarding sharing of Harvard Business Review content:
Harvard Business Publishing limits how HBR content can be shared! Send only the citation information, rather than a saved PDF if you wish to share HBR content. The recipient must navigate using the steps above or the library-provided link to Business Source Complete in order to access full text.
- Copying and sending the url / link from a full text HBR article will not work for the recipient as it is only valid until the search session is active.
- It is a violation of the terms of use policy to save the full text PDF of HBR content and share with others.
- Articles denoted as "limited access" cannot be saved or printed.