What is CSU+ and who can use it?
CSU+ is the name of the library's resource sharing service**. This means if you need a book or media item that the Sac State Library does not own, we will borrow a copy on your behalf from another library. We can also get copies of articles from journals the Library does not provide direct access to through CSU+ resource sharing. The network of libraries who share with us are in the CSU and beyond!
CSU+ is seamlessly integrated into OneSearch and our subscription databases. See the CSU+ FAQs if you need help getting started.
CSU+ services are available for current students, faculty, and staff at Sacramento State. Emeritus faculty with active Saclink accounts can also use CSU+.
Unfortunately, CSU+ services are not available for alumni, community borrowing card holders, Friends of the Sac State Library, or Renaissance Society members. Many public libraries offer similar services.
**In prior times we called this service interlibrary loan, but new days are here along with a new term!